Thursday, February 21, 2013

How to Evaluate the Creditability of a Webstore

Hello my Friends.

Today we'll examine if a webstore, that we have locate since our last investigation, deserves to make us spend our invaluable and hard earned money.
First things first! The first thing that we should want to know about is the ownership of a webstore. Who are dealing  with? Is it a person or a company?
These kind of info are not easy to obtain always, but if a webstore is totally legitimate, it must have no problem into revealing them, either at their website either uppon request from us.
To search for their info look at their ''About us'' webpage and to learn more about them try their ''Contact us'' one. Also, you can try a ''who is'' domain lookup if you have more doubts.
Since a webstore has passed the first part of evaluation, these are the major features that we should look for:

Ease of Use
Face the facts my friends, if you can't easily find what you are looking for, chances are you'll look elsewhere ASAP!
The best online stores must be easy to use and let you search in many ways (it depends on the products)- by category, theme, occasion, brand, color, size, flavor or price.

Product Selection
Except from some webstores that are extremely  specialized in some short of products or from one only Trademark (e.g. Levi's), in most cases the most selections that we have to fulfill our needs the better it is!
I don't say that each and every one webstore that we use should be a Megastore, but you get the general idea, at least ten items (and above) for the same need would be perfect.

Additional Features
Helpful features such as Wish Lists let you build a list of your favorite items, while some Gift services that show a selection of Gift Baskets is a very useful feature.
Some of the best online webstores offer custom labeling so that you can label your items with a business or personalized message.

Payment and Shipping
While the vast majority of online stores uses Paypal or direct charge to our credit card, it's a quite useful feature to accept multiple payment methods like e-check, neteller e.t.c. The problem is if WE want to use them!
I'll say it once again! I always recommend to avoid doing online transactions using any other method than a prepaid debit card and Paypal. If a webstore doesn't accept Paypal, i can say from my experience that this is a bad sign.
You also have to take the time and review the ''Return Policy'' for each site to see how long you have and how easy it is to return your items. Method of shipping is a secondary matter nowadays since they all work quite the same...

Help and Support
See if there are such things for the evaluation webstore! Chances are that a serious website will have a ''Help and Support Center''. Take the time to communicate with them before you start using their services!
e.g Find something to ask about one of their products.

If a webstore passes all of our examinations and decide that suits to our favour, then it's time to add it to our online agenda for online shopping and register with it.
To register we must give our true name and e-mail address, just make sure to use a secondary e-mail because you'll receive some spam-like e-mails like newsletters,offers e.t.c.

O.K. My Friends, that was all for tonight, Happy Shopping!

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