Hello again my Friends.
Having examined how to get some products at ultra competitive prices from Auction and Coupon websites, we undoubtedly come to this Question:'Can we get the items even cheaper?'
Well, this is a not so easy question to answer with a yes or no, but i'll make another question:'Where these people, who sell at Auction sites, are getting their stuff from?'
To answer to this question we'll have to think the so called 'Supplier's Chain'. Here's how the whole system works.
Manufacturer of the goods sells to Tier-1 Wholesalers
Tier-1 Wholesalers/Importers sell these goods to Tier-2 Distributers.
Tier-3 Distributers sell the same goods to Tier-4 Retailers/Shop Owners
Shop Owners sell to us!
So, the conclusion is quite simple. The most close to the manufacturer we get, the better! But how close to the manufacturer can we get? To place an order directly to the manufacturer needs a significant amount of money!
Most of them will not even reply to your contact attempts, if you're not a legal entity, like a cooperation. The same, more or less, happens if we try to contact a wholesaler/Importer...
But what about Distributers? Well, i'll say it quite simple. This is, as relatively small consumers, as close as we can get to the source! This is where all these people who sell at Ebay e.t.c are getting their items!
Locating such Distributers in NOT the easiest thing in the world, because many are claiming that they are, while the truth is totally different...they are trying to sell some products at overpriced prices and cash in the difference!
Buying from this kind of suppliers, like a Distributer, should not be a problem at all! These people do not care, in most cases, to whom they sell. More sales equals to more profit for them! They will sell at Shop Owners, at Ebayers and of course to us as well.
Now, since we have located such a Distributer and we have bought some goods for our own usage, another question arises! Couldn't we just resell some of this stuff somewhere and make a nice and easy profit? The answer is YES!
After all i told you. Distributers are the main source of the Ebayers! We can make just about the same thing! The only problem that remains is to locate a real Distributer!
Fortunately for us there are some online resources (websites) that we can use to locate whatever we want, either a Distributer, a Wholesaler, a Dropshipper e.t.c
The most wellknown and reliable websites of this kind, are www.worldwidebrands.com and www.salehoo.com . The only downside is that they require a one time payment to become their member and have access to their directory and info, but i can assure you that they deserve every cent!
At the time this article was written, membership at WorldWideBrands cost $299 (one time payment) and at Salehoo $67 per Year (NOT a one time payment anymore, but still the cheaper to begin with).
O.k my Friends, that was all for tonight, at the next posts we'll see what king of products we could find using these resources, either for our own needs or reselling them at Ebay for a small profit. Stay tuned!
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